Thursday, May 19, 2011

Regionals...Here I come...I guess

So I was really enjoying this retirement thing, until Lyle informed me that I was going to have to go to Regionals next week.  I was thinking maybe I'd get the year off, but he signed me up for a FEW races....

Here is the line-up for this year....

A total of 7 races, including trials and finals.  I have the Steeple, 5k, 10k, and 1500.  I really just wanted to grab a few 5ks and a 10k, but Dr. Weese said I needed to add the 1500 to get some speed practice in for the other races that weekend, and the Steeple would "just be some good training and such I guess" quoted Lyle.  So I am going to have to trade in my coffee cup and black dogs for a few pairs of training shoes and some spikes, I gotta run a few laps now.  As if the 37.5 laps and 9.5 miles worth of racing last weekend wasn't enough, I'll be adding 73 laps to the agenda for next week.  I guess so Lyle...

I wasn't too happy, so he said I should just blog about it.  Not sure this helped a whole lot Lyle...

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